Tenchi Muyo!

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It's all about Tenchi

I liekd Tenchi Muyo when it first came out and now they don't show it anymore so I kind of miss it, that's why I made this page.Tenchi isn't much of an action, more of a comedy/love struggle between Ryoko and Princess Ayeka.


Tenchi Masaki

Tenchi is the star and the one that Ayeka and Ryoko fight over 24/7. Though Ayeka shows her interest differently than Ryoko (who comes on to him quite strong) he doesn't love either of them, but he does care for them. Eventually he winds up with a girlfriedn that goes to his school, but she dissapears so Ryoko and Ayeka still have a chance.


Ryoko is an infamous sapce pirate who crash landed on Earth near Tenchi's house. She told him that she was being chased by a space pirate (Mihoshi) who was actually part of the Galaxy Police. Though her physical age look to be about 17 she is really around 2,017; even so she has no problem with baring it all, and also she still comes onto Tenchi quite strongly...

Princess Ayeka


Princess Sasami




Half-cat, half-rabbit, Ryo-Ohki can take many forms - from intergalactic space ship, to pink mecha-robot, to near human. She is Ryoko’s companion and they share a unique bond. Ryo-Ohki also loves carrots and Tenchi is always trying to plant enough to satisfy her! She is usually good-tempered unless threatened, and she has a crush on Ken-Ohki!!
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